Notorious Dog Fighter Sentenced to Five Years in Federal Prison

By KevinMarcilliat, In Criminal Defense, 0 Comments

A man believed to be heavily involved in dog fighting in the southern United States was sentenced recently to the maximum penalty of five years in prison. The 76-year-old man pled guilty earlier in 2011.

As part of his criminal defense, the man told the federal judge that he once had more than 100 fighting dogs. At the time of his arrest, though, the man was in possession of only 35 fighting dogs. All of the dogs had to be euthanized due to aggressive or fighting behavior and were unsuitable for rehabilitation.

According to court records, the man has been known as the leader in dog fighting for more than 40 years. He was arrested in North Carolina and was sentenced in the U.S. District Court, District of Raleigh. The prosecutor only recommended 10 to 16 months in prison, however, the federal judge imposed the maximum 60 month sentence.

North Carolina federal charges are serious and the penalties for federal crimes often include longer prison sentences. The resources required to fight against federal charges are significant. It is recommended that anyone charged with a federal crime such as federal drug charges, weapons charges or sex charges, contact an experienced federal defense attorney.

Source: WNCT “NC Dog Fighting ‘Legend’ Gets Maximum of 5 Years,” Martha Waggoner, 8/5/2011