Sentencing in more than $1 million drug case delayed

By KevinMarcilliat, In Federal Crimes, 0 Comments

Last December, a Pinehurst, North Carolina, businessman pleaded guilty to possession of more than 220 pounds of marijuana, conspiracy to distribute marijuana, and conspiracy to launder monetary instruments. We talked about this case on our blog at the end of April. The plea agreement, according to a U.S. Attorney’s Office spokesman, will remain sealed until the judge accepts it.

The man’s sentencing hearing has been rescheduled again, and this time, it’s set for Aug. 15. There was no reason given other than it was due to “the discretion of the court.”

On April 20, the man agreed to forfeit at least $1 million he made distributing marijuana. He has already agreed to give up $177,195. Prosecutors want the total to be much higher — $822,804.

The man has been out of jail on a bond of $1 million, unsecured. He was on electronic monitoring, but that requirement as since been lifted, as well as a prior curfew from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m.

When there is a large amount of money or property that is being used for criminal activity, the federal government can order it to be seized. It is up to the judge on what happens to those assets, but defendants convicted of the crimes seldom get that money returned to them.

If you have been accused of involvement in a large drug distribution ring, you need to start developing your defense against the charges as soon as possible. Your attorney will work hard to make sure your rights are protected, and that you receive the fair trial to which you are entitled.

Source:, “Sentencing in Federal Drug Case Delayed Again,” David Sinclair, May 24, 2016