
3 types of drug crimes charges

Drug crimes are some of the most common crimes that any individual can be accused of, but that doesn’t make them any less serious. A drug crime conviction can send

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Why do innocent people take guilty pleas?

Innocent until proven guilty. It’s the foundation of our criminal justice system. It’s the guiding principle for every criminal case – in theory. In practice, however, it’s not always straightforward. Evidence

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Manafort trial: Is analyzing jury questions just guesswork?

Last Wednesday, a jury found former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort guilty of eight federal charges involving bank fraud and tax evasion. Yet jurors were unable to reach a consensus

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Drug crime allegations: How to choose a defense attorney

No matter the circumstances of your arrest, if you’ve been charged with drug-related crimes, you’re probably feeling stressed, vulnerable and scared. These feelings are certainly expected, but it’s important to

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Drunk driving charges after a fatal crash need a careful defense

A drunk driving conviction can result in serious criminal consequences. These consequences, however, will be compounded when the drunk driving conviction involves a fatal accident that a court deems to

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Witness immunity plays a big role in Manafort case

The trial of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort is finally underway, and it provides a fascinating window into how prosecutors approach high-stakes cases. In the first of two federal

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Will a drug crimes conviction interfere with federal student aid?

North Carolina university students who benefit from federal student aid need to be aware that a drug crimes conviction could have serious and negative implications for their ability to continue

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Intentional versus unintentional crimes

Sometimes North Carolina residents intentionally commit a crime — perhaps by knowingly selling an illegal drug. Other times, they unintentionally commit a crime — perhaps by accidentally walking away with

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Greenlighting recreational marijuana: Will others soon follow in Canada’s wake?

Earlier this week, the Canadian Senate voted to legalize recreational marijuana, overturning 95 years of prohibition. The groundbreaking vote has made Canada the second nation in the world (behind Uruguay)

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Could the federal government legalize marijuana soon?

There’s no telling how soon the federal government could legalize marijuana, but certain U.S. senators are putting in significant effort in this direction. Recently, the U.S. Senate Majority Leader Chuck

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