
DUI defense: What’s auto brewery syndrome?

Police officers, prosecutors, judges and criminal defense attorneys have seen or used a lot of unique cases and a lot of unique defense strategies in their careers. In fact, the

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Are you at risk of arrest if your drug dealer gets caught?

Imagine you are a recreational drug user. From time to time, you call your drug dealer ask if you can buy something illegal. Because you call him or her regularly,

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The penalties for marijuana possession in North Carolina

North Carolina residents accused of marijuana possession will have the right to defend themselves against their charges in criminal court. Furthermore, the individuals will not be convicted or punished until

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Federal marijuana distribution penalties

North Carolina residents accused of crossing the state border while distributing marijuana — or those who are accused of distributing large amounts of marijuana on federal property — could find

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North Carolina date rape charges

North Carolina residents who are approached by police officers that accuse them of committing date rape may want to speak with a criminal defense attorney immediately. An attorney will be

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Driver pleads guilty following fatal DWI in Raleigh

There are no winners following a fatal drunk driving accident. First, an innocent victim has lost his or her life. Second, the victim’s family members will be forced to deal

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What if I was arrested for drugs that my doctor prescribed?

Prescription drugs are controlled substances, but — because they serve a medical purpose — North Carolina residents are legally permitted to take them and have them on their person if

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This Detective Didn’t Like Being Told No

“The dramatic video became another flashpoint in a national debate about police use of force and how officers treat civilians.” – TIME super-hero-girl.jpg “So, I have this,” Alex Wubbels said,

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What’s the federal mandatory minimum penalty for LSD trafficking?

The federal mandatory minimum penalty for LSD trafficking The United States federal government has classified the hallucinogenic drug lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) as a Schedule 1 narcotic. That means that

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22-year-old man could face 70 years in prison for DUI

Wake County authorities say that a 22-year-old man who allegedly caused the death of three people in a drunk driving accident could be sentenced to over 70 years in prison.

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