
It’s Time for Body Cameras on Police

The Onion, “America’s Finest [Satirical] News Source,” published a piece on April 9 – shortly after the Walter Scott shooting – detailing the pros and cons of body cameras for police. One

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Statistics about federal drug trafficking

Federal drug trafficking charges can turn your world upside down. These cases often take months to build and involve multiple law enforcement agencies, the Drug Enforcement Administration or even the

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Panelist feel sex offender registry too harmful for minors

On Monday, April 6, the NYU Review of Law and Social Change hosted a panel to discuss the current sex offender registry and what people who are listed on it

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‘Booze It & Lose It’ campaign results in fewer DWI arrests

There were more DWI checkpoints and patrol units on North Carolina highways than usual between March 13 and March 17. The state’s “Booze It & Lose It” campaign targeted impaired

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Government employees arrested for various child porn, sex crimes

The Internet has certainly changed the world in which we live. Virtually anything can be found online and that includes millions of images of child pornography. What once used to

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Arrested For Drug Abuse? Here’s One Way to Avoid Conviction

Avoid Conviction with Conditional Discharge If you’ve been arrested and charged with drug possession for the first time (and in rare cases sale or distribution), North Carolina law allows for

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Facing Criminal Charges? How a Bit of ‘Preventive Law’ Could Have Helped You

You’ve heard of preventive medicine. In general, preventive medicine is the idea that you can take steps to manage or even prevent injury and illness by proactively taking care of

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Supreme Court to determine drug search case in North Carolina

After pulling a car over in North Carolina, the police discovered that a person in that car had drugs. This person was then arrested, police found more drugs in his

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Can I sell my stuffed polar bear, rhino horn and whale teeth?

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has a lot of laws that govern what we are allowed to buy and sell in the United States. Usually, if you are wondering

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Vehicle seizure in North Carolina for a DWI

For most people, a vehicle is one of their most important possessions. From work to school to shopping to traveling, a vehicle provides both a necessity and a convenience. North

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