
North Carolina drug treatment courts bring results

Lawmakers in North Carolina saw the writing on the wall and decided that something needed to be done about the substance abuse problems that plague the state’s residents. The North

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Man wrongfully accused of sex crimes released from jail

For more than three months, a man from North Carolina spent his days in the Harnett County jail for sex crime charges he did not commit. Those charges have now

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White collar offenses like Ponzi schemes are federal crimes

In North Carolina, defendants can be prosecuted either in state or federal court, and sometimes both, depending on the circumstances and the crime. One charge that can land a North

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Fight against conspiracy charges for federal crimes

Learning that you have been charged with any federal crime is usually enough to incite fear in a person. When a federal prosecutor can’t prove that you were a person

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North Carolina payroll company fleeces clients

A Taylorsville manufacturer is under the gun due to thousands of dollars in unpaid payroll taxes owed to the North Carolina Department of Revenue and the Internal Revenue Service. Federal

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What is the legal definition of embezzlement?

In the North Carolina General Statutes, the crime of embezzlement is referenced in Chapter 14, Article 18. In general, embezzlement refers to the theft or larceny of money, property or

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Understanding NC Drug Treatment Court

In many states, drug courts or drug treatment courts seek to offer treatment to people facing drug charges. In North Carolina, 23 counties offer drug treatment court, but there are

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Why challenging Breathalyzer results is important

Those who are arrested for DUI will usually have to provide a sample of their blood, breath or urine to determine their blood alcohol concentration. Across the country, including North

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Lawyer up when facing drug charges in North Carolina

Consider how many times people have been in the wrong place at the wrong time and had to suffer the consequences. When the matter involves drugs, however, those consequences can

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What happens when someone is charged with a federal crime?

If you are facing federal criminal charges, you may wonder what options you have. Because the federal criminal process is different from local and state criminal processes, it’s important to

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