
Why Kerry Kennedy Won Her DWI Case (Hint: It’s Not Because She’s Rich and Powerful)

Kerry Kennedy, daughter of Robert F. Kennedy, of the famous American political dynasty, recently beat charges of driving under the influence of prescription drugs in New York. According to Wikipedia, Kerry Kennedy

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Juveniles targeted in Instagram internet sex crimes investigation

In the age of social media, information that is posted to online platforms such as Facebook and Instagram is nearly impossible to retract. Although this may seem obvious for adults,

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Durham Cops Net 33 Pounds Of Synthetic Marijuana During Traffic Stop

33 pounds is a hefty amount of synthetic marijuana. Hefty enough, in fact, that the Durham Police Department said it was a record amount for the city, as the News Observer

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DWI defendants miss out on speedy trial in North Carolina

North Carolina has a reputation as having some of the most stringent rules for drunk driving. Now, some residents are calling for even more regulation, considering the shocking number of

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North Carolina men accused of Ponzi scheme, financial fraud

Two men in North Carolina are facing federal charges after allegedly administering a Ponzi scheme in that state. A U.S. regulatory agency, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, is pursuing a

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Man convicted of federal crimes for smuggling narwhal tusks

North Carolina has a significant amount of shoreline. For many, the beach provides a scenic vista and hours of recreation. For others, though, the ocean may be the source of

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Banks worry about drug crimes despite legalization of marijuana

Marijuana has been legalized in two American states, but banks throughout the nation say they are struggling to define their role in the new business model. The banks, some of

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State Crack Cocaine Drug Bust Ends In Federal Prison Time

A 33-year-old North Carolina man has been sentenced to 22 years in federal prison on drug trafficking charges after undercover officers purchased more than 100 grams of crack cocaine from

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North Carolina sex crimes convicts face trouble upon release

Legal changes in North Carolina may be working to support offenders who are having difficulty reintegrating into society, but certain convicts are being left out. Those recently released from prison

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New rules protect drunk driving defendants at DWI checkpoints

Recently decided court cases in North Carolina have set new standards for DWI checkpoints in the Wake County area. Nearly every weekend, law enforcement agencies in the region implement sobriety

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