
Man facing federal crimes, state allegations after shooting

A North Carolina man who was accused of shooting a Charlotte police officer is now facing a series of violent crime and weapons charges in connection with the incident. Those federal

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What happens during a North Carolina DWI stop?

If you are a North Carolina driver, chances are that you have seen at least one other driver attempting a field sobriety test. What happens if you get pulled over

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What’s At Stake In A Second-Degree Rape Charge?

A Gastonia man is facing charges of second-degree rape after a New Year’s Day liaison at his home led to accusations of sexual assault. According to reports of the incident, the woman

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Thorough Investigation Drops Felony Sex Offense To Misdemeanor

Two prosecutors have taken several months to evaluate the evidence surrounding accusations of a felony sex assault made by a then-14-year-old girl against a then-17-year-old boy. Whether the two engaged

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Lower drug crime punishment may have unintended effect

Should you be denied legal representation simply because you are poor? It seems that legislators in North Carolina are working toward that outcome through their indirect influence in the way

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Email Invite Violates Restraining Order

There are many misconceptions about restraining orders or protective orders. One is that you’re not breaking the terms of a no-contact order if the person who has one against you

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General facing sexual assault allegations awaits trial

Legal proceedings have begun in one of the highest-profile sex crimes cases ever to have struck the military. A 51-year-old general in the U.S. Army is facing serious sexual assault allegations, making

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‘Worst of the worst’ drug crimes offenders all African American

They were called the “worst of the worst” by local officials. The 32 men who were arrested for drug crimes by officers in North Carolina’s regional neighbor of Tennessee were shamed by

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Warning: Rent-a-cops now allowed to make drunk driving arrests

Yes, North Carolina residents can now be arrested by rental cops for drunk driving. The new development was handed down by the North Carolina Court of Appeals, which agreed that

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When Experience Counts – White Collar Crimes Defense

The devil is in the details in allegations of white collar crimes cases. If you are under investigation for financial fraud, including theft, embezzlement, healthcare fraud, tax fraud, corporate fraud, the

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