
Are You The Target Of A Grand Jury Investigation?

If so, you should contact an attorney. How will you know if you’re a target? The most obvious indicator is the receipt of a target letter from a federal prosecutor

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North Carolina Senate to consider stricter drunk driving laws

Over the past three decades, drunk driving laws in North Carolina have been getting progressively stricter. In the 1980’s, drunk driving was not seen as a particularly serious infraction; indeed,

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North Carolina woman accused of embezzlement

Embezzlement is the crime of taking money from an employer or a volunteer organization and using it for one’s own personal gain. Embezzlement is a relatively common white collar crime,

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Sentencing After A Sex Offense Conviction In North Carolina

If you are facing criminal charges related to a sexually-based offense, whether you are being investigated or have already been arrested and charged, you need an experienced sex crimes defense lawyer.

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Advanced Supervised Release in NC – A ‘Get Out Of Prison Early’ Card

Not everyone will spend their full maximum sentence in a North Carolina prison. In fact, not everyone will spend their full minimum sentence behind bars. North Carolina has created an

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Seven-figure bail set in Raleigh drug trafficking case

It’s a fact of American law that drug cases can involve some truly incredible numbers. State and federal laws treat drug crimes very seriously, and so the punishments for them

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Manslaughter charges against Charlotte officer draw criticism

When a police officer is forced to discharge his weapon, a widespread investigation usually follows. If a person has been injured or killed, police investigators need to know exactly what

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When Can I Get Out Of Prison? PRS in North Carolina

Individuals convicted of a felony offense in North Carolina are sentenced according to the structured sentencing grid for both minimum and maximum penalties, taking into account any prior criminal history.

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Mooresville couple accused of drug and weapon violations

America has some of the strictest drug laws in the entire world. In the last twenty years, these laws have become ever stronger, fueled by mandatory sentencing laws that can

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Greater Discretion For Federal Judges In Sentencing

The current safety valve allows judges to sentence below mandatory minimum levels for a non-violent drug crime. Bills introduced in both the House and the Senate this year would expand

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