
Man Pleads Guilty To Drunk Driving After Confessing His Crime On YouTube

Matthew Cordle took his drunk driving defense into his own hands on September 3 when he announced to the world – or at least the online world – in his

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Suspected drunk driver pulled over by North Carolina fire truck

When dealing with a DWI or drunk driving case, one of the most important determinations that the court must make is whether the defendant’s constitutional rights were violated in any way. Protection

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Can a North Carolina firefighter stop a suspected drunk driver?

Everyone knows that the sight of flashing blue lights means “pull over.” But what if those blue lights are attached not to a police car, but to a fire truck?

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Think Twice Before Tweeting #INeedARide

Teens across the country are thinking twice before getting their driver’s license or first car. Instead, teens seem more interested in their smartphones. There are probably many, many reasons for

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NC High Court Says No To Social Media Use By Convicted Sex Offenders

A unanimous decision by the North Carolina Court of Appeals appeared to pave the way for removal of social networking restrictions on convicted sex offenders, until the NC Supreme Court stepped

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NC’s Largest Marijuana Grow House Bust Claims He’s Good Samaritan

Despite changes from the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) calling for easing prosecution of minor marijuana crimes, officials in Lincoln County and Catawba County assert that they will continue to

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CEO faces penalties for CFO’s embezzlement

Embezzlement, or the fraudulent theft of business assets, is one of the better known white collar crimes. Skimming money off the top of a companies’ finances is not an uncommon crime,

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North Carolina prescription drug theft increases

Prescription drug crimes come in a variety of packages. Many prescription drug crimes are the result of dishonest doctors who fill out prescriptions when there is no medical need. Other

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North Carolina implicated in New York gun raid

Earlier this month, New York City was home to the largest weapons bust in the city’s history, in which more than 200 illegal weapons were confiscated. The bust was a

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‘Booze It & Lose It’ campaign seeks to fight drunk driving

The end of summer is a time of celebration for students, and young people gather around bonfires and try to enjoy the last few days of vacation before going back

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