
Former ABC Admin’s Pension Safe Despite Felony Conviction

After being convicted for taking property by false pretenses, a former North Carolina Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) administrator is still able to receive his full pension. As of December 1,

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NC Considers Ban Of Pseudoephedrine Sales Without A Prescription

As the number of meth labs continues to grow throughout North Carolina – six methamphetamine labs have been busted in Wake County and 13 in Johnston County this year – law makers

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Ignition Interlock For Every 1st Time DWI Conviction?

If the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) has its way, everyone in the United States who is convicted of drunk driving will have to install an ignition interlock device on

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Raleigh Assault Caught In Pictures Released As Police Search For Suspects

A month ago, two people were attacked by about five men outside of Raleigh restaurant La Volta. Police recently released surveillance photographs of the incident and are asking for the

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Insider Trading Charges For Former Wells Fargo Banker

Thirty-year-old John Femenia has been charged with using confidential information obtained through his position at Wells Fargo Bank to give guidance to his friends on stock transactions that could have

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Email Searches – Can Congress Stop Them?

Earlier this week, we posted about a cell phone search of a Rhode Island woman’s phone that led to criminal charges being filed against her boyfriend in the death of

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Can The Police Search My Cellphone Without A Warrant?

Maybe. At this point, it depends where you are (what state) when law enforcement searches your phone whether your personal information in your phone – such as text messages, emails

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North Carolina Man Accused Of Fraud In Hawaii

Marc Hubbard was being held in jail in North Carolina on federal fraud charges was released by order of a federal judge earlier this month. He was not free man though; the

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Search For Moonshine Uncovers Massive Marijuana Grow House

After police found 49-year-old Kenneth Brooks in possession of moonshine during a recent traffic stop, they obtained a warrant to search his home to determine exactly where the moonshine came

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Dez Wells Can Play Basketball Despite Sex Offense Accusations

This story seems to fit fairly well with our theme of the power of a sex offense allegation: before a conviction, even before criminal charges are filed, a person accused

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