
With Sex Offenses, Accusations Are Too Often Treated As Convictions

Seven years ago, the man behind beloved Sesame Street character Elmo had an inappropriate relationship with a sixteen-year-old boy, at least according to the now 23-year-old man making the accusations.

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Personal Possession Of Marijuana Legal And Illegal At The Same Time

Colorado and Washington voters decided to legalize the possession of marijuana for personal consumption in their state when they went to the polls yesterday. Anyone 21 years old or older

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What Is An Article 32 Hearing?

Brigadier General Jeffery A. Sinclair was in Afghanistan earlier this year in support of the 82nd Airborne Division. Now he is back at Fort Bragg, awaiting an Article 32 hearing

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Supreme Court To Consider Search And Seizure Issues In November

On the docket this November, the Supreme Court of the United States is set to consider several issues related to the Fourth Amendment, search and seizure and criminal defense. In Bailey

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Child Pornography, Sexual Abuse Lead To Sex Offense Charges

Allegations of child pornography and rumors of sexual abuse of a child have led to the arrest of a Wake County emergency responder. Forty-one-year-old Scott Shields has been charged with

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Teen Accused Of Selling Drugs Resulting In Possible Overdose Death

An online drug sales ring, a home chemistry lab and student drug dealers are being talked about after the death of a 17-year-old Raleigh high school student from an LSD

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Plea To Federal Charges Of Fraud Results In Near 3-Year Sentence

Linda Knox entered a guilty plea to federal charges involving mail fraud in 2010. She was accused of billing for services not performed by her If It’s Water and More company. For

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Raleigh Student Arrested On Marijuana Drug Charges

19-year-old Raleigh student Shaquell Autry was charged with a felony drug offense after police found him with 46 baggies of marijuana. He is facing criminal charges of possession with intent to

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I Was Convicted Of A Felony. Can I Vote In North Carolina?

For those who are awaiting trial for a North Carolina felony offense or for those convicted of only a misdemeanor criminal offense, you still maintain your right to vote. If you are

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Two Raleigh, Two Maryland Men Arrested On Drug Charges

Drug offenses involving marijuana, opium and heroin were at the center of four arrests over the past weekend by Raleigh police. Thirty-three-year old Thuong Quoc Nguyen of Raleigh was charged

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