
‘Tougher Treatment’ Not The Key To NC Juvenile Justice

In 1998, about 1,400 North Carolina kids were being sent to state training facilities each year after being convicted of or pleading guilty to a criminal offense. Now that number

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Court Orders Boy Scouts To Release Perversion Files

For close to a century, the Boy Scouts of America collected what it called “Perversion Files” – documentation on sex offenders and pedophiles that it intended to keep out of

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Former Santa Claus Sentenced For Internet Sex Crimes

A man who dressed as Santa and played the friendly Christmas icon at malls across North Carolina was sentenced on sexual exploitation and solicitation charges. Seventy-year-old John Peters, of Cary, was

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Supreme Court To Decide If Blood Tests For DWI Require A Warrant

In 2010, Tyler McNeely was stopped for speeding shortly after 2 a.m. The officer that stopped him for speeding also observed that McNeely appeared visibly intoxicated – his speech was

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Second Student Claims Sexual Abuse By Fayetteville Teacher

First arrested last week on sex offense charges, a fourth grade teacher at Long Hill Elementary School was recently rearrested after another teen came forward with similar complaints of sexual

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Former Teacher’s Assistant Faces Federal Drug Charges

A Johnston County Teacher’s Assistant was accused by federal prosecutors of selling drugs within 1000 feet of a school. Twenty-nine year old Winston Evans faces four counts of federal drug charges

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18-Day Booze It And Lose It Campaign Nets 2700 DWI Arrests

Nearly 100,000 citations were handed out and close to 3,000 DWI arrests made it the statewide “Booze It & Lose It” campaign that ran from August 17 through September 3.

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What Is A Sexually Violent Predator?

Four months ago, Jerry Sandusky was convicted of 45 counts of sex offenses involving children. In a few weeks, Sandusky will be sentenced for the sex crimes, for a number of

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Man ID’d For Rape While Walking Down The Street In Carrboro

Nineteen-year-old Alejandro Romero was charged with rape and burglary after a woman he allegedly sexually assaulted identified him while he was walking down South Greensboro Street in Carrboro. The woman notified police

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33-Year-Old Derrick Allen Back On Trial For Sex Offenses, Murder

After 12 years in prison on a 43-year sentence for sex offenses and murder charges, Derrick Michael Allen was set free by Durham Superior Court Judge Orlando Hudson. The State

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