
North Carolina Officer Injured After Chasing Suspected Drunk Driver

A police officer was hospitalized last weekend after a high-speed chase ended poorly. The officer suspected the driver of the car he was chasing to have been under the influence

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North Carolina to Expand Medicaid Fraud Investigations Unit

The North Carolina Attorney General’s Office recently announced that it will be doubling the size of the Medicaid Fraud Investigations Unit in the coming months. The state will be adding

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Jury Verdicts Being Tainted by Internet, Social Media? – Part 3

In our last two blog posts, we discussed a Reuters Legal analysis which revealed Internet access and social media sites are leading a growing number of jurors to engage in

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Jury Verdicts Being Tainted by Internet, Social Media? – Part Two

In our last blog post, we discussed the disturbing trend of jurors in criminal trials engaging in Internet-related misconduct. Some jurors are choosing to disobey the rules of the courtroom by

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Jury Verdicts Being Tainted by Internet, Social Media? – Part One

Has the explosion of social media and our culture’s obsession with constant connection begun to negatively impact our juries in criminal trials? A Reuters Legal analysis released earlier this month

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“Hard-Core” Drunk Drivers Targeted by NTSB

The National Transportation Board (NTSB) has announced its intention to focus on reducing the number of what they call hard-core drunk drivers, or drivers who have multiple arrests for driving

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Man Pleads Guilty in Drunk Driving Death

A Monroe man pleaded guilty to charges of driving while impaired and second degree murder, stemming from a car accident that ended in the death of a Marshville man in

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New Law Makes Trespassing at Domestic Violence Shelters a Felony

Those who are subjects of domestic violence protection orders would be advised against trespassing at a domestic violence shelter if the person protected under the order is in the shelter.

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DEA: No More ‘Fake Pot’

“Fake pot” products have been experiencing a surge in popularity among young people. These products produce effects similar to those of marijuana and, up until now, were legal to purchase.

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Nightclub Drug Bust Results in Arrests of 15 People

Those looking to enjoy an evening out on the town were instead treated to an elaborate sting operation this weekend. Police arrested 15 people during a drug bust at a

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