
Many Flaws in GPS Tracking of Sex Offenders – Part Three

In our last blog post, we looked at a case decided by the North Carolina Supreme Court that involved an appeal of a satellite-based monitoring program for sex offenders. A dissenting

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Many Flaws in GPS Tracking of Sex Offenders – Part Two

In our last blog post, we discussed the use of satellite-based monitoring of sex offenders. The practice, which allows sex offenders to be tracked through GPS ankle bracelets, has come under

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Many Flaws in GPS Tracking of Sex Offenders – Part One

In 2006, North Carolina’s legislature approved satellite-based monitoring of sex offenders. The monitoring was touted as a means of protecting the public after convicted sex offenders were released from prison.

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DWI Murder Conviction Overturned for North Carolina Woman

The North Carolina Court of Appeals has overturned several charges against a 46-year-old Charlotte woman accused of causing a man’s death after driving while intoxicated. The court ordered a new trial

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Public Perception of Sex Offenders is Not Always Accurate

Oftentimes, when people think about sex offenders they envision middle-age men lurking around schools and playgrounds. However, this stereotype is wholly inaccurate, as evidenced by two arrests on sex offense charges in

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North Carolina Prosecutors Seeking Murder Charges in DWI Cases

Murder charges have traditionally been reserved for violent crimes. However, this is slowly changing in North Carolina. When individuals driving under the influence causing a fatal crash, prosecutors are beginning

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The Problem With Ignition Interlock Devices

Ignition interlock devices are often placed on the vehicles of those who have been convicted of driving under the influence. The devices are installed in cars and require the driver to

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Greenville Rapper Wiz Khalifa Arrested on Drug Charges

Popular Pennsylvania rapper Wiz Khalifa, 22, was arrested early this morning following a performance in Greenville at East Carolina University. Khalifa, who was born Cameron Thomaz, was taken into custody

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Police Bust Large Charlotte Drug and Prostitution Ring

An ongoing investigation by the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department (CMPD) of a drug and prostitution ring resulted in a bust yesterday. As of right now, five suspects are facing felony drug charges stemming

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House Candidate Charged with DUI Twice Over the Weekend

It was not a good weekend for Randy Wolfe. The Winston-Salem Journal reports that Wolfe, a candidate for the North Carolina House, was charged with driving while intoxicated twice this weekend. Wolfe is a

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