Not all drug charges will result in the same penalties if you are convicted. The lawyer you hire to represent you may make the difference between a months or years in prison. Call Marcilliat & Mills PLLC, in Raleigh at 919-838-6643, or contact our office online to schedule a free consultation.

An Experienced Drug Crimes Trial Attorney On Your Side

Have you been charged with a drug offense? Time is important. Contact us as soon as possible after your arrest. We will explain the court process and begin working immediately on an effective drug crimes defense strategy if you are facing:

A North Carolina drug crime may be charged as either a misdemeanor or felony, depending on the circumstances and evidence in your case. If you are facing felony drug charges, your Raleigh drug crimes defense attorney may be able to seek a reduction of felony charges to misdemeanor offenses during negotiation. If you are eligible for deferred prosecution, the Wake County drug education program, a first offender (diversionary) program, or another option that may allow you to avoid a criminal history or jail time, your Wake County defense lawyer should be able to discuss those options with you.

Contact A North Carolina Drug Crimes Lawyer At Marcilliat & Mills PLLC Today

If you’re under investigation for drug crimes, were arrested after a controlled buy by an undercover officer, or were caught with drugs or drug paraphernalia during a routine traffic stop, contact our North Carolina criminal defense lawyers at Marcilliat & Mills PLLC, in Raleigh today for a free consultation. Our attorneys can be reached online or 919-838-6643.