Any accusation of a sex crime is serious. When a juvenile faces criminal charges involving rape or another sexual offense, the impact a conviction can have on their adult life makes these an effective defense even more important. If you’re under 18 and facing a sex offense, your entire life is ahead of you but your future is on the line. If your son or daughter has been accused of a sex offense, an experienced lawyer on your side today is absolutely necessary.

If the school officer, local police or other member of law enforcement starts asking questions about an alleged juvenile sex offense, contact our Raleigh law office immediately. At Marcilliat & Mills PLLC, our attorneys offer a free consultation and can be involved in your defense as soon as an accusation is made, an investigation is begun or when an arrest is made. The sooner we are on your side, the sooner we can help protect your future or your child’s future.

Protecting Juvenile Rights In The North Carolina Criminal Justice System

Sensitivity. Confidentiality. Respect. We are not here to judge you; we are here to defend and protect. The North Carolina criminal justice system is not the right place for you, your son, or your daughter.

Whether you are seeking juvenile defense representation for yourself or your child, we understand that you want an attorney who is both skilled and experienced in these delicate matters. In all juvenile sex offense cases, our primary concern is avoiding severe and long-term penalties, including sexual offender registration. Whenever possible, we focus on alternative sentencing, such as community service, treatment, and probation — sentencing options that focus on rehabilitation rather than punishment.

We handle all manner of juvenile sex offense cases, including:

Protect your future. Call an experienced Raleigh sex crimes defense attorney today.

Contact An Experienced Raleigh Rape and Sexual Assault Defense Lawyer

The last thing we want is for our adolescent clients to end up with a sex crime conviction on their permanent criminal record. Don’t let a prior mistake jeopardize future college applications, employment opportunities and more. Contact our Raleigh law firm for a free initial consultation.