Check forgery and stolen credit cards are serious identity theft crimes. As technology advances, identity theft has become more common. North Carolina has reacted to the increase in identity theft by making the consequences more serious. If you are charged with identity theft, you could be facing jail time, fines, and long probation.

Marcilliat & Mills PLLC, is a Raleigh, North Carolina, criminal defense law firm. We focus entirely on defending those accused of a crime. Our experience is significant and our results show that we are aggressive fighters on behalf of our clients. For aggressive and skilled criminal defense when you are facing an identity theft charge, contact us online or at 919-838-6643 to schedule a free consultation with a Raleigh defense lawyer.

Our Experience Can Make a Difference in Your Identity Fraud Case

Our extensive trial experience will be put to use in your check forgery or stolen credit cards defense. We have successfully helped hundreds of people get the best possible outcome in their criminal defense matters. Our track record of obtaining successful results in even the most difficult of cases shows that we know how to prepare a strong and persuasive defense, and we will do the same for you in defending against identity theft.

Former clients have told us that they value our honesty, integrity, and our emphasis on keeping them well-informed as their criminal matter progresses. We offer experienced criminal defense in all identity theft cases, including:

  • Check forgery
  • Stolen credit card
  • Database fraud
  • Phishing
  • Personal computer or password theft
  • Internet fraud
  • Planting malware

If you have been charged with an identity theft crime, we understand that this may be your first run-in with the law. We will listen to your side of the story and help you get over this legal hurdle. If you’ve made a mistake and don’t want that mistake to ruin your future, you need an experienced attorney on your side, building a strong defense strategy.

Speak To A Raleigh Defense Attorney

Contact our North Carolina criminal defense law firm online or by 919-838-6643 today to schedule a free consultation with an experienced lawyer at Marcilliat & Mills PLLC. We also represent clients charged with related theft crimes including income tax and business fraud, embezzlement, federal mail, and wire fraud, welfare fraud, and Medicaid and Medicare fraud.
View Our White Paper - The Numbers Count - Fraud and the Federal Sentencing Guidelines