
Latest Incident Of School Violence Implicates Bullying

Bullying is no excuse for stabbing your fellow classmates, but it may have played a role in 16-year-old Alex Hribal’s “stabbing spree” at Franklin Regional High School in Pennsylvania. Hribal

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The Old Gloomy Psych Hospital Never Went Away

Some movies feature the abandoned psychiatric hospital, in which characters roam the halls amid piles of tattered, dirty gowns, overturned chairs, and all manner of medical tools that doctors used

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Heroin use up in North Carolina, drug crimes penalties change

New statistics show that a troubling rise in heroin use is occurring throughout North Carolina, causing some alarm among law enforcement officers and public health officials alike. Heroin had been

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North Carolina teacher facing sex crimes after video emerges

A North Carolina teacher is facing serious allegations after reportedly engaging in a relationship with a student. The first-year teacher, age 25, was arrested after the conclusion of a police

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Drug crimes case prompts discussion about free will

What do drugs, urine and the Constitution have in common? They are all under consideration in connection with a case that is currently being heard by the North Carolina Supreme

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Mayor of Charlotte accused of federal crimes for accepting bribes

Official reports show that one of North Carolina’s top politicians has been arrested on federal charges including bribery, wire fraud and theft. The mayor of Charlotte, Patrick Cannon, has been

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Eight Months For Four Grams Of Weed

John Tucker with Indy Week writes that one 34-year-old man got eight months behind bars for four grams of weed, enough for roughly 10 joints and perhaps 15 days in jail. What

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Woman accused of drunk driving, nearly assaulting hospital staff

A North Carolina woman is accused of drunk driving and other serious offenses after reportedly causing a car crash in McKean County during the late-night hours on March 18. Officials

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Woman accused of DUI, attempted assault after crash incident

A North Carolina driver is facing a wide range of charges after she reportedly crashed her vehicle while intoxicated in McKean County. The woman, age 39, is accused of DWI and several

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New Rules In Great Britain Ban Books For Prisoners

A great many would argue that prisoners deserve nothing – no TV, no books, no nothing. On the other hand, some organizations, like the Center for Constitutional Rights, argue that the

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