According to the organization Families Against Mandatory Minimums:

“While serious crimes can devastate victims and communities, and many of these crimes warrant severe punishment, even mandatory minimum sentences for these offenses can sometimes produce unintended or strange consequences.”

Families Against Mandatory Minimums goes on to describe scenarios in which an 18-year-old accused of “sexting” (sending and receiving nude pictures of his underage girlfriend) faces production and distribution charges.

Or the 22-year-old facing child pornography charges for making a sex tape with his 17-year-old girlfriend, who, by the way, agreed to the whole thing.

Or the man who views and downloads child pornography on his computer at home but who bears no evidence that he ever posed a risk of actual harm to any child, and now faces charges for the possession of child pornography and years in prison.

I Will Help You Fight the Federal Charges

If you’re reading this, you’re somebody’s mother. You’re someone’s father. You’re a brother or sister, a wife or husband, someone deeply worried about the child pornography charges brought against your loved one.

Or you yourself face these charges.

You’re trying to figure out what you should do, what you should expect, how charges like these can be fought.

I am here to remind you that not all hope is lost.

But I am also here to say that you don’t need to rely on hope. Hope implies that you’re powerless over your situation. But you are not powerless. No case is black and white. Your case is not black and white. No case is as straightforward as it seems. The hangman is not quite as powerful as he seems.

I can help you.

The criminal defense attorneys of Marcilliat & Mills PLLC can help you.