As a military member, dealing with a child pornography charge can damage your reputation, your career, and your future. When you have left your home and family to devote your time to service, the thought of losing everything to a sex crime conviction is nerve-wracking. You need to speak with a qualified criminal defense attorney who can help you determine your next steps — and start building a strong defense.

The attorneys at Marcilliat & Mills PLLC, in North Carolina handle a wide range of sex crime charges, including on behalf of military members who have much to lose. We have convenient offices near Camp Lejeune. No matter how severe the circumstances in front of you are, we are prepared to tackle your charges and to fight for you with determination and dedication.

If you are facing allegations or are under investigation for child pornography, contact the lawyers at Marcilliat & Mills PLLC, immediately. Call us toll-free at 919-838-6643 for a free consultation.

Here at Marcilliat & Mills PLLC, we are prepared to take on a wide range of sex crimes, including:

Why You Should Speak To One of Our Lawyers Now

It is never too early to speak with a lawyer about child pornography allegations. You do not have to wait until you have received a charge to take legal action. At Marcilliat & Mills PLLC, we can represent you even when you are still under investigation — potentially warding off charges.

If you have received a target letter from a federal prosecutor, it is especially essential that you speak with us immediately. Being issued a target letter means you are the subject or target of an investigation, and you may soon be ordered to testify before a federal grand jury without legal counsel present in the room with you. Despite the restriction on counsel, we can help you plan for your court date strategically so that you do not have to go into it uninformed.

The stakes for a child pornography charge are high. With the possibility of a lengthy prison sentence as well as registering as a sex offender, you should put your case in the hands of a skilled attorney as soon as possible.

We Know How To Handle The Media

Child pornography is a sensitive issue for many people, and a charge is likely to draw media attention. Even though you have not been convicted, the portrayal of being a child predator can cause an emotional reaction from the public, leading them to assume your guilt.

Nevertheless, our team is experienced in handling high-profile cases, and we are committed to your privacy. Marcilliat & Mills PLLC, has been featured in many news outlets, including national news, and knows how to handle sensitive cases in the spotlight without tainting the jury’s perception.

Contact Our Child Pornography Defense Attorney For Military Members

Whether you have been charged or are merely under investigation for child pornography, you should not delay a conversation with a lawyer. To schedule a free consultation at Marcilliat & Mills PLLC, complete our brief online intake form or call us toll-free at 919-838-6643.