Raleigh, North Carolina, Sex Crimes Defense Lawyer

For many people charged with a sex crime in North Carolina, the consequences of sex offender registration are more severe than the actual sentence. Registered sex offenders face social stigma and penalties that extend well beyond the time in jail, probation, fines, and community service. Sex offender registration can mean that you lose job opportunities, access to government programs, and your right to live where you want to.

You can’t afford to have your name placed on the sex offender registry.

Many prosecutors care more about getting your name on the list than they do about any jail time you may serve. If you have been charged with a sex offense, particularly an offense against a child or minor, you will need aggressive, experienced criminal defense representation that focuses on fighting your charges. We have the expert witness resources and professional skills to help you fight for the best possible outcome.

Contact our offices to schedule a free consultation.

We are ready to answer all of your questions relating to registration with the sex offender registry and the consequences of violating its terms:

  • Failure to register
  • Your obligation to register after you move
  • Time period to register
  • Out-of-state registration
  • The federal sex offender list

Contact us to learn more about your rights. It won’t cost you a thing to talk to us, and it can save you a lifetime of problems.